Appointment Of Non-Executive Director
返回Jun 09, 2010
The Board of Directors (the "Board") of Straco Corporation Limited (the "Company") wishes to announce the Appointment of Madam Chua Soh Har as a Non-Executive Director of the Company with effect from 9 June 2010.The details and declaration of Madam Chua Soh Har as required under Rule 704(7) of the Listing Manual of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited are contained in a separate announcement released today.
Consequent to the above changes, the Board of Directors will comprise the following members:-
Mr Wu Hsioh Kwang (Executive Chairman)
Mr He Ping (Non-Executive Director)
Mr Guo Qiang (Non-Executive Director)
Mr Fu Xuezhang (Non-Executive Director)
Dr Choong Chow Siong (Independent Director)
Mr George Huang Chang Yi (Independent Director)
Mr Tay Siew Choon (Independent Director)
Madam Chua Soh Har (Non-Executive Director)
By Order of the Board
Lotus Isabella Lim Mei Hua
Company Secretary
Date: 9 June 2010